In addition to the hazard reduction burn in Deakin today, the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS) are continuing to patrol three hazard reduction burns, with crews monitoring the following sites for any signs of smoke or flames.
A 15.6 hectare burn Kambah near the Mount Taylor Nature Reserve adjacent to Sulwood Drive, east of Tuggeranong Parkway and west of Athllon Drive.
A 32 hectare burn at Mount Wanniassa in the Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserve near Erindale Drive, Fadden.
A two hectare burn near the Hall Cemetery and Wallaroo Road, Hall.
The Health Directorate advises that people with asthma, other chronic respiratory and/or chronic cardiac diseases should not perform vigorous exercise and should stay inside if affected by the smoke. People with asthma in particular should continue their medication and consult their general practitioner if they have any difficulties.