
The ESA RTO operates as an enterprise RTO, meaning that training and assessment is developed and delivered primarily for employees and volunteers of the ESA.

In some circumstances the ESA delivers training to external clients; however, the key focus is on internal clients. More detail about the standard policies and procedures designed to ensure that you receive quality training and assessment is available in the Student Handbook.

The Student Handbook contains information about enrolment procedures, student support arrangements, literacy and numeracy support, acceptable behaviours for students and trainers/assessors, assessment principles, appeals procedures and complaints procedures.

Enrolment Information

A revised National VET Data Policy was endorsed by the COAG Industry and Skills Council on 24 November 2017 and came into effect on 1 January 2018. This national policy means that the ESA RTO is required to collect your Unique Student Identifier (USI) and ask you to complete an Enrolment Form that collects information about you.

To minimise the amount of paperwork you need to fill out, ESA Training has developed a process so you only have to complete the full enrolment form when your details change rather than for every course you complete. Your details will be maintained in VETtrak and linked to any courses you do with ACT ESA.

VETtrak is a Student Management System that complies with the requirements of the National VET Data Policy as well as providing a platform for recording and reporting on the qualifications, skills and capabilities you have relevant to your role with the ESA.

Whenever your personal details change, complete a new Initial RTO Enrolment Form so your VETtrak profile can be kept up to date.

 Step 1: Get a USI  You only need to do this once

 Step 2: Submit an Initial RTO Enrolment Form  You only need to do this once or when your personal circumstances change

 Step 3: Nominate for a specific course  Do this for each course you enrol in


Course Nomination and Selection Process

ESA course nomination and selection guideline

Purpose- To provide ESA members, supervisors and the Executive Leadership Group (ELG) with a framework to support nomination and selection process for whole of ESA training relevant courses and conferences.

Aim- To provide an open and transparent process and selection matrix to assist in selecting the most appropriate people to attend whole of ESA training opportunities.

Training and Development Opportunities- 
The Training Calendar is published to VETenrol. A link to the Training Calendar will be published to the ESA Training SharePoint page as well as any other service specific communication channels. Where possible training courses will be included in the ESA Training Plan and Calendar to assist Services and members in planning their training and development requirements. This will also assist members and their supervisors in the development of staff Personal And Development Plans (PADP).

Nomination Process- 
All nominations will be managed through VETenrol. The nomination and selection process will vary depending on the training type. These are detailed in the table below.

Members nominating for training will need to confirm that they meet the entry requirements and the pre-requisites to attend the training. This will be checked by ESA Training. Members also need to consider any roster relief etc (if applicable). This information will be checked by the Service L&D representative.

Nominations will be received in VETenrol. Service training nominations will be processed by the Service L&D and Membership team. Agency wide and external opportunities will be collated by ESA Training and processed through the Training Management Team (TMT) and Executive Leadership Group (ELG).

The selection process is managed according to the type of Training Opportunity. Service Level Training is managed by the service directly. Agency and External training opportunities are managed by the TMT and, where required, ELG.

Types of Training Opportunities-

  Training Opportunity Nominations via VETenrol Selection
Service    Service Level Training (e.g. SES Storm) Managed and selected by Brigade/Unit/Section
Agency Ongoing Internal Training activities (e.g. AIIMS, first aid etc) First come first served or prioritised if nominations exceed positions on course
  Internal training with limited positions (IMT level 2) TMT and endorsement by ELG
External External training opportunities (ACT Gov leadership course, Aust War College) TMT and endorsement by ELG

Selections- In progressing nominations, services and business units and/or the TMT will use the following matrix to inform selections for a course and based on the requirement for the nomination. This matrix prioritises capability development to ensure the Services and Agency are prepared to perform their operational obligations and strategic priorities.

Priority 1 - Mandatory skills acquisition to meet capability /job role 
Priority 2 - Mandatory skills maintenance / Collective Exercises 
Priority 3 - Professional Development. Improve / enhance capability of individual

This will assist in the prioritisation for selection. These categories are consistent with the ESA Annual Training Plan.

Standby list- The final course selection list will be supported by a reserve list. If for some reason a successful member cannot attend, the next prioritised applicant will be offered the position. If another opportunity is available in the calendar, the members can be enrolled in that occurrence.
If nominations exceed selections and reserves – ESAT will holdover those nominations for re-consideration for next/future courses.

Successful/unsuccessful nominations- ESA Training will notify the Services of the decision by the TMT/ELG. All applicants will be notified of the outcome through VETenrol. The responsibility of this will depend on the Training Opportunity type with Service specific ones being processed by the Service and the others being processed by ESA Training.

Return on Investment
Where an ESA member has been provided a professional development opportunity, there will be an expectation of return on investment being given back to ESA.  Supervisors must discuss this with members and include the agreed return on investment in the nomination.

Course nomination and selection_flowchart