A magnitude 6.0 earthquake has occurred this morning around 0915 hours north-east of Melbourne.
Tremors from the earthquake have been felt as far away as Canberra and Sydney.
Our ACTESA Emergency Triple Zero (000) call centre has received a number of calls from concerned community members who have felt the tremors.
At this stage, we have no reports of damage within the ACT. Please be assured that the ACTESA is ready to respond to any incident that occurs within the territory.
For more information, visit the Geoscience Australia website https://earthquakes.ga.gov.au/event/ga2021sqogij
Please only call Emergency Triple Zero (000) for life threatening situations, and not enquiries regarding this event. If you do not have access to the internet, you can contact Geoscience Australia on their Earthquake Information Line on 1800 655 739.