Emergency Warning Systems Test – 12 September 2024

Ahead of the high-risk weather season (1 October - 31 March), the ACT Emergency Services Agency is planning a test of the public warning system used in emergencies such as bushfire, flood, and heatwave.
The TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 12 September 2024. No action is required.
What to expect: 
A TEST warning will be published on the ACT Emergency Services Agency website and digital channels including Facebook, & X (formerly Twitter).
The TEST warning will depict a bushfire near Stromlo Forest Park and Uriarra Road. Several posts may be issued throughout the test period.
Residents in the area (or who have passed through the area):
• May receive a call on their landline phone
• May receive a text message from: 0444 444 444
No action is required. 
All messages related to the exercise will be clearly marked with the word TEST. If you receive the alert, you may dismiss it and continue normal business.
System tests help us better prepare for emergencies. 
This exercise is designed to train staff and validate that planned warning systems and processes are effective.
More information:
The Australian Warning System is a nationally consistent method of displaying warning information with three levels of threat – Warnings & Alerts https://www.esa.act.gov.au/aws
In an actual or imminent emergency, you may receive a text message or phone call from 0444 444 444. Read more about Emergency Alert - https://www.esa.act.gov.au/ea